Saturday, May 31, 2008

5/31/08 vs Rockies; W 5-4; (35-21)

For the last four games, the Cubs have trailed following the seventh inning stretch. All four times they rallied to win. Today they trailed, but only for one half inning. And that was the second inning.

The Rockies scored two in the top of the second, but Alfonso Soriano erased that lead with a two run homer in the bottom half. Ryan Dempster was on base after doubling in a run to help his own cause. He only made it through five innings today, but still did enough to pick up the win.

The Cubs added a run in the third and another in the fourth to extend the lead. The Rockies chipped away at it, but the Cubs pitchers had just enough to hold them off. Carlos Marmol struck out two and picked up the save, despite giving up a home run to Scott Podsednik.

SHOW was at the game today, and I am expecting a report on the atmosphere from him.

The six game winning streak matches the longest of the season for the Cubs. Ironically, it was the Rockies who ended the first streak. Tomorrow the Cubs will try to extend the current streak to seven games, and I will finally be there live to see it! Look for live posts from Wrigley tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Every loyal Cubs fan should watch "The Chicago Cubs, After 100 Years, It's Time" on YouTube

Unknown said...

I watched it. I wasn't really impressed, other than it included a photo of Bob Howry on signing day. I hadn't really figured that picture existed.

SHOW said...

Sorry for the tardiness. I was still recovering from the "atmosphere."

All in all, it's kind of the same it's always been with a caveat...this time everyone actually believes this is the year. It's not some pipe dream or something you say. The team is that good and the fans know it. No one left until after the second time through "Go Cubs Go" after the game.

Before the game the buzz was awesome as well, because all everyone wanted to talk about was the comeback from the previous day.

Saw a lot of "VOTE GEO" shirts around which was pretty cool, and it's hilarious how much Soriano interacts with his troops in the LF bleachers. I guarantee none of them ever boo him. They were worshipping him.

I'm glad Edmonds wasn't playing and Marquis wasn't pitching. I don't like booing Cubs, but I will...

SHOW said...

By the way, it's pretty obvious "anonymous" is the dork that made the video and googled Cubs blogs to garner as many hits as he/she could. Thus, I'll take your word that it wasn't impressive and refuse to give the page hit.

Unknown said...

You are so right about the atmosphere. We went Sunday with some neo-phytes, one who had never been and one who had been three times maybe.

She loved the atmosphere and attributed to the team being good. Luckily, I am married to a good woman who has been at Wrigley for more crappy losses than we can count. She testified to the fact that it is always a high energy crowd, win or lose.

Same thing on Sunday, no one left until the song was over.

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